Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Visions from the Book of Acts: A People Immersed in The Story

"Where there is no vision the people perish." We have heard this proverb (Proverbs 29:18) many times before used in any number of ways. We assume that the writer is simply encouraging us to have a vision, any vision to guide and direct our work. The trouble is that this translation misses one of the key elements of the text which is that the Hebrew is referring to a specific kind of vision…not vision or direction in general.


The CEV translation is, in my opinion, closest to the original meaning. "Without guidance from God, law and order disappear." In other words without an understanding of God's outline for our lives as expressed in the first five books of the Bible the people of God come apart at the seams. We see this more clearly when we read the second half of this couplet, "but blessed are the ones who keep the law," meaning that when we actually allow God's written word to set the vision for our community our individual and corporate lives are blessed. (All you have to do is to read the Old Testament to see how true this is!)


This understanding then forms the background for our call to be a people immersed in The Story. In Acts 2:42 we are told that "they (meaning the new Christ followers) devoted themselves to the apostle's teaching." The apostle's were following the wisdom laid out in Proverbs 29:18 by teaching how Jesus' story was a part of the larger story of God's work in and through Israel. The vision, the Godly guidance, that they were offering was not simply good advice, it was an explanation of how Jesus had come to fulfill God's plan for Israel and for the world and for their lives.


Our calling is to do the same, immerse ourselves in their teachings. Our vision for our life together is to be shaped not merely by wanting to do good things, hanging out together, or even listening to great music, all of which we do here on a regular basis. Our vision is to be shaped and formed by The Story, which is what the Bible is. The Bible (though certainly a collection of metaphor, law, poetry, history, prophecy, letters, and Jesus stories) none the less is The Story of God at work redeeming and reclaiming the world, including you and me. When we come to understand and internalize The Story it gives guidance and direction for our lives allowing us to be blessed and be a blessing to others.


The challenge for us then is to make The Story (the scriptures) real for us. This means taking the time to read, study and comprehend the scope and sequence of God's activity from creation (Genesis) to re-creation (Revelation). This is not a simple task. It is one that takes time and effort. Yet the rewards are great. By knowing and living The Story we become those who are able to love God and neighbor in a way that changes us and changes the world. My hope is that in the years ahead we will become a people immersed in The Story that we might fulfill the vision God has for us.


(How to: here is a way to begin immersing yourself. First get a partner or two…things always work better with a partner. Second choose one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and read it straight through. Talk with your partner about what you discovered, what confused you and how the story helped your faith. Then find a simple guide to the book…such as N.T. Wright's commentaries from the Bible for Everyone series (Westminster John Knox Press)...and take the story in pieces asking the same questions. Then if you want give me a call and we can talk more about it.)



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